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Spit Like This Bitch.
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Lord Zion
Spit Like Zion
Bow Down Before Lord Zion.

Attitude, Rebellion And No Prefab CRAP.

If the RIAA has a worst nightmare, it would likely be Spit Like This. Shoot. If the American music industry has a worst nightmare, it would be Spit Like This.


Based out of South Park, England, this Goth / Glam Quintet is giving parent groups nightmares with its outlandish style, bad attitude, and frequent use of the F-Bomb. But make no mistake! Spit Like This is a band that is true to good old fashioned glam rock routes. Or, "...for the uninitiated, imagine a musical pot containing the best of Motley Crue, Poison, old skool Metallica, 80's thrash/glam, Adam Ant, Queen, Duran Duran, Gary Numan, Human League, 70's Genesis, 70's punk and the Rocky Horror  (Picture) Show, and you begin to understand where I, and therefore Spit Like This, are coming from." says Z.


Lord Zion (pronounced Zee-On) is the fearless leader of this band of misfits. He is teamed up with Vikki Spit and three others: Stevie Lee (guitar), Vile Gilez (drums), and T3 (keys/guitar).


Thats right, LORD Zion. Evidently, Zion bought a Lordship just to piss off the fine folks in Parliament, and I dont mean the 70s funk group.


Spit Like This is anti everything a good, outstanding, politically correct citizen stands for. In fact, they are a breath of fresh air to the music world. When asked what he thought of the current state of world music, Z offered this. "Hip-hop is the new metal.  Remember how metal and rock was in the 80's??  Dangerous, cool, full of stars and full of people doing the really cool thingz u want to do.  Well, then Nirvana came along and fucked the whole thing up.  The only genius thing that man did was when he pulled the trigger ensuring his immortality and infamy.  He didn't do anything the sex pistols hadn't already done (much better). And what's hip hop all about??  Well, taking drugs, fucking whores and displaying da bling!  Fortunately, there are metal bands like us that are bringing back some style and glamour to metal to take it back to the top where it deserves to be, where it deserves to remain and where it can piss-off the moral majority!"


Its true the brain-washed American Music fans won't accept metal to this day. Bands such as Poison, L.A. Guns, and Skid Row tour constantly to survive. Abroad, such bands do much better. Europe itself has a lucrative Metal market.


The American reader who thinks Disturbed is brilliant may ask, "What does Spit Like This have to offer that's any different?" Well, if you ask Z, he'll say, "Diversity.  In this respect, we are the closest thing to Queen to have emerged since Queen. I write in many different styles, and I do it well.  The songs have character and panache and the execution is flawless.  This is how most bands record an album - their best song is 'Rock Like a Chicken' so they go record it.  They leave all the nobs, buttons and faders exactly as they were then record 'Rock Like a Duck', 'Rock Like a Pheasant', 'Rock like a Goose and so on.  So, you end up with a cd with one great standout track, then 10 or 11 more tracks that kind of sound like the single, but aren't as good.  What I do is start from scratch for every single song.  I don't give myself any parameters or boundaries and i let myself explore my art.  Therefore, if you buy a Spit Like This cd, you end up with a collection of songs, each as strong as the other, each having different things to offer, each with different personalities.  I guess the best way to describe it is schizophrenic, but then I am, so that's ok.  Maybe that's our genre, Schizorock?!"


So there you have it. Attitude, tattoos, loud guitars all wrapped up in a Goth/Glam blanket. Leave the 14 year old at home, this is metal like it was meant to be. Fun, heavy, loud and original.


Story by Vince Wylde.